Monday, 9 May 2011


Barker, C, (1993), Razorline: The First Cut, Marvel Press, USA

Chiarello, M and Klien, T, (2004), The DC Comics guide to colouring and lettering comics, Watson -Guptill publications

Cooney, D, (2011), Writing and Illustrating the Graphic Novel: Everything you need to know to create great work and get it published, Barron's Educational Series, England

Caputo, T, (2002), Visual Storytelling: The Art and Technique, Watson - Guptill Publications, USA

Ennis, G, (2008), Ghost Rider: Trail Of Tears, Marvel Comics, USA

Gravett, P, (2005), Graphic Novels: everything you need to know, Collins Design

Harvey, R, (1996), The art of the comic book: an aesthetic history, University Press of Mississipi, USA

King, S, (2001), On writing: A memoir of the craft, New English Library, USA

Krensky, S, (2008), Comic book century: the history of American Comic books, Twenty first century books, Minneapolis

Marx, C, (2007), Writing for animation,comics and games, Elsevier

Millar, M and McNiven, S, (2011), Nemesis, Titan Books, London

Osgood, R, (2008), Cengage Advantage Books: Visual Storytelling: Videography and post production in the Digital Age, Wadsworth, USA

Pustz, M, (1999), Comic book culture: Fanboys and true believers, University Press of  Mississippi, Canada

Quietly, F, (2008), All Star Superman: Volume One, DC Comics, USA

Robinson, J,(2011), The Comics, An illustrated History of Comic Strip Art, Dark Horse Publishers, USA

Skinn, D and Millar, M, (2008), Comic Art: The Very Best in Contemporary Comic Art and Illustration, ILEX

Swain, D, (2008), Creating Characters: How to Build Story People, Oaklahoma Press, USA

Talon, P, (2005), Graphic Novels: everything you need to know, Collins Design

Weiner, S, (2006), One hundred and one best graphic novels, NBM

Wolk, D, (2007), Reading Comics: how graphic noves work and what they mean, De Capo Press, United Staes of America

Monday, 2 May 2011

The finish line

After a long time, I finally had the choose-your-own-adventure style graphic novel and IPhone versions of my comic.

The final stage was to complete the cover as I had left that until last to get a true feel of the comic before I started it.

Eventually I came up with a simple design for the cover which I did in pencil roughs first...

and then finished with inks and colors...

and the iPhone version...

Overall this project took a lot of work and things that I thought would be simple turned out to be a lot more complex than I thought such as the very creation of the comic. Although I appreciated comics beforehand I now had a lot more appreciation and respect for the artists and writers who create them. It's no where near as easy as it looks.

However I am very pleased with my finished results for both the versions and the lessons I had learned regarding their composition and structure I am sure will be used in my future projects.

Sunday, 1 May 2011


To go along with my iPhone and iPad version, I came up with some simple advertising posters and banners which could go on other websites. I tried to make them as 'Apple' like and professional looking as I could.

I created two poster versions as well as the benner...

Poster one...

Poster two...

The banner...